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Icetheme demo toolbar

Icetheme demo toolbar is a plugin for wordpress that allows any wordpress theme you choice to be previewed. A demo bar would be shown on top of page (or bottom, if you want), allow users to preview another theme. The demo bar is customisable at admin panel. More than 1 extra CSS files can be loaded too.

If you create WordPress themes, free ones for the repository, premium ones for theme marketplaces or exclusive ones for your clients, you’ll probably want to showcase your work on your personal website. To help you out with this task, here’s a plugin called Icetheme Demo Bar. This plugin allows you to use a single WordPress installation to present more than one WordPress theme.

It works by adding a new toolbar at the top (or bottom, if you want) of a website with a theme selector menu. Your visitors can then easily switch through and preview each of your work. Such setups are common on theme marketplaces and theme shops which is so much easier than setting up a different environment for each and every theme you create.

With your contribution, you pay only once and get access to all de premium features of the future plugin or extension of Icetheme demo toolbar, and updates for lifetime!
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1. The donation services. We will use your donation at our discretion but within our stated charitable objectives. All payments through the Website are to be made by payment card or via PayPal. Once you confirm to us through the Website that you wish to proceed with your donation your transaction will be processed through our payment services provider.
2. Unauthorised card use. If you become aware of fraudulent use of your card, or if it is lost or stolen, you must notify your card provider.
3. Information from you. We won’t share your personal details with any other third party.
4. Refund policy. If you make an error in your donation please contact us within 14 days and a full refund will be made to you.
5. General. We reserve the right to amend these Donation Payment Terms and Conditions at any time.


CMS such as Joomla and WordPress, among others, has taken the web by storm as a free and highly customisable publishing platforms. Template makers also use it to showcase and sell their creations online. This project is developing a WordPress plugin that is suitable for rendering differents resources such as template, images, products, pictures, etc.

Behind the project

As an aspiring designer and development this is a project I am passionate about

This project was born out of the type design community’s need
I have personally had type designers contacting me about developing functionality like this
Once produced, it will be freely available to the type design community

Funding the development

The project is advancing, but so far without funding

This project needs more development time than I can afford to spend in my spare time
Funding even part of the development time (and cost) will allow me to progress more quickly
If you are in need of this type of a plugin for showcasing type designs, get involved and influence development

The Impact

Your contribution matters to me:

  • Without it I can not take the time to focus on this project
  • You will in turn be giving back to the type design community
  • Support the idea of free software by supporting a WordPress plugin that can be used by anybody

Risks & Challenges

As only developer currently working on this, the project progresses or stalls with how much time I can financially afford to put into it.

Without enough funding this will remain a pet project without enough attention
Reaching the goal allows me to spend enough time to ship a tested and well functioning plugin
With additional funding the features and customisation options will increase
This is a continuous development project: With time and feedback from users new version will come


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